National Audit Office wins GCC research competition


Manama, Somaia Saleh Almeer and Maryam Ebrahim Taleb from the National Audit Office (NAO) of the Kingdom of Bahrain won the fifth competition of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) for Research and Studies in the field of auditing and accounting, for their joint research on “Automation of the audit work and its role in developing performance.”

The Training and Development Committee of the GCC’s Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) announced the names of the competition winners on the sidelines of its 31st meeting, which was held via video conference on the 24th of this month.

14 papers from SAIs of the GCC countries had been entered into the competition which included three topics: "Automation of audit work and its role in developing performance", which was won by Somaia Almeer and Maryam Taleb, "The role of audit institutions in auditing in light of emergency crises", won by Ali Muhammad Al-Namah from the State Audit Bureau of Qatar, and “Performance Audit of Sustainable Development Goals”, where the first place went to Salwa Hamed Al-Mulla from the State Audit Bureau of Qatar, and the second place to Abrar Abdel Wahab bin Sabt from the State Audit Bureau of Kuwait.

Furthermore, the Training and Development Committee reviewed the draft strategic training plan for a 3-year period, which was prepared by the NAO in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The committee recommended that members should be given additional time for review and determine the initiatives that will be implemented during the relevant period (2023-2025), and those that will be carried over for the coming years, provided that they provide the General Secretariat with their feedback in early September.

During their meeting, the members of the committee agreed on the draft training plan for 2023, which included 5 programs: “Indicators for Measuring the Performance of Internal Audit Units”, “Audit of the Health Sector”, “Developments in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs)”, “Contemporary Audit in the age of technology” and “Evaluation of the Performance of Strategic Plans", which would be submitted to the Heads of the SAIs in the GCC countries with the recommendation for adoption.

The meeting was attended by representatives from the NAO in the Kingdom of Bahrain: Aysha Adam, Director - Human and Financial Resources, Ayda Al-Qaed, Superintendent – Administration and Yusuf Almahmood - International Cooperation Superintendent.

Source: Bahrain News Agency