Registration for Camping Season Extended Until November 3


The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change announced the extension of registration for the winter camping season until November 3. The Ministry said that registration for all regions starts Sunday October 30, 8 am, until Thursday, November 3.

The Ministry had opened registration for winter camping in three phases; the first started from October 16 to 19 for the southern regions, the second from October 20 to October 23 for the central regions, and the third from October 24 to October 27 for the northern regions.

The Ministry provides those wishing to register for the winter season three ways to register online, one of which is on its website, the second is on the website of the Ministry of Municipality, and the third is through Oun application. Moreover, there is an office in each region for manual registration.

The Ministry has allocated 6 numbers to respond to campers' complaints, including three for land areas and three for marine areas, in addition to the unified contact number 184.

Source: Government of Qatar