The Iraqi Supreme Military Committee and its counterpart in the international coalition are assessing the threat of ISIS gangs and the security situation


Baghdad, The Iraqi Supreme Military Committee held yesterday, the eighth of April, in the capital, Baghdad, a meeting with the Supreme Military Committee of the International Coalition in Iraq, and the two committees are concerned with ending the mission of the International Coalition in Iraq. The Spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Major General Yahya Rasoul, said in a statement today: 'During the meeting, the work of the subcommittees was discussed since their launch in January 2024, and the assessment of the threat of ISIS terrorist gangs, the operational environment, the current security situation, and the capabilities of the Iraqi security forces.' He added: "The members of the two military committees praised the achievements and sacrifices made in the battles to defeat ISIS, and the continuing efforts to prevent the return of these terrorist gangs, as well as supporting Iraq's sovereignty, unity and stability." The two sides stressed the capabilities and capabilities of the Iraq i security forces to defeat ISIS, and they also stressed that the subcommittees will continue their work to present assessments to the Supreme Military Committee to submit recommendations in order to make a decision regarding the timetable for the International Coalition in Iraq to move to establishing a bilateral security partnership between Iraq and the United States, which contributes to raising The capabilities of the Iraqi security forces and work to develop them, which enhances the stability and security of Iraq and the region. Source: National Iraqi News Agency