The Turkish army announces the killing of 4 PKK militants and the seizure of quantities of weapons and ammunition in northern Iraq


The Turkish army announced the killing of four Kurdistan Workers' Party militants and the seizure of quantities of weapons and military ammunition in northern Iraq. The Turkish Ministry of Defense said in a statement on Wednesday evening that a special force from the Turkish army pursued a group of Kurdistan Workers' Party militants in Matina area in northern Iraq and was able to kill four of them while the rest of the group fled. It pointed out that Turkish forces also seized a quantity of weapons and ammunition in Dargla village in northern Iraq, including automatic rifles, an anti-tank rocket launcher, and rocket projectiles belonging to Kurdistan Workers' Party militants. The Turkish Defense Ministry explained in its statement that the Kurdistan Workers' Party takes the Qandil Mountains in northern Iraq as its stronghold, and is active in many cities, regions and valleys, from which it launches attacks inside Turkey. Source: National Iraqi News Agency