A New Desecration Against The Holy Quran In Front Of The Turkish Consulate In New York

Key Issues

An unknown person desecrated an English copy of the Holy Quran in front of the Turkish Consulate building in New York City, according to the Anadolu News Agency.

"Anatolia" stated that the incident occurred on Friday, in New York, when a person threw a copy of the Qur'an on the ground and then kicked it in front of the main entrance to the Turkish House building that houses the consulate.

As a result, the security staff at the Turkish House intervened to remove the attacker from the front of the building, and it became clear that the Book he had defiled was an English version of the Qur’an.

Consular officials contacted the New York Police Department and the Diplomatic Security Unit to inform them of the incident.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency