Al-Sudani receives Cardinal Louis Sako and bishops participating in the Chaldean Church Synod Conference held in Baghdad

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Baghdad, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani received today, Thursday, the Patriarch of the Chaldeans in Iraq and the world, His Beatitude Cardinal Mar Louis Raphael Sako, and a number of Chaldean bishops participating in the Chaldean Church Synod Conference (Synod), in its annual session, hosted by the capital, Baghdad. Al-Sudani welcomed His Beatitude the Cardinal and the delegation of bishops, expressing his support for the convening of the Chaldean Church Synod Conference in Baghdad, which celebrates all the fraternal Iraqi components, foremost among them the authentic Christian component that carries important civilizational and humanitarian contributions to the history of Iraq and the building of the state. Al-Sudani stressed, during the meeting, that diversity in Iraq is one of the constants that call for pride; As it represents a source of strength and a factor of stability, praising the position of the religious leadership of the Iraqi Christian component, which was present in all challenges, en dured tragedies and terrorism, and participated in repelling attempts to create a rift between Iraqis, stressing that the government aspires to the return of all Christians to Iraq, within the framework of its keenness to maintain the cohesion of the Iraqi social fabric, and its commitment to this position of the Christian component. Al-Sudani stressed that duty now calls, after two decades of change and victory over terrorism, to maintain the state of institutions and citizenship, and to ensure that everyone practices their rituals and worship with complete freedom, and that Iraq's great resources must be employed to confirm stability, and he also touched on what is happening in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon from the effects of terrorism and aggression, indicating Iraq's endeavor, at all levels, to end this crisis; because the security of the region is an integrated and indivisible unit. For their part, His Beatitude Patriarch Sako and the attending bishops expressed their thanks to the Prime Minister for his pa tronage and support for holding this conference in Baghdad. They also renewed their support for the government's steps within the framework of building peace and stability, providing public services to ensure a decent life for all Iraqis without exception or discrimination, and giving priority to the interests of the Iraqi people over any secondary factional interests. Source: National Iraqi News Agency