Headed by Al-Amiri and attended by Al-Turkmani, an expanded meeting in Baghdad today

Key Issues

Rapporteur of the House of Representatives, Deputy Head of the Turkmen Framework Bloc, MP Gharib Askar Al-Turkmani, participated in Baghdad in the expanded meeting held under the supervision of the Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Article 140, Hadi Al-Amiri, and in the presence of government leaders and representatives of Kirkuk Governorate to discuss ways to solve the problem of agricultural lands confiscated during the era of the former regime. This participation came within his continuous efforts to serve the people of Kirkuk, and in continuation of discussions and meetings with relevant government agencies related to the issue of recovering agricultural lands that were confiscated from Turkmen and Kurdish farmers during the Baath era, and according to legal contexts that achieve justice in returning rights to their legitimate owners and compensating those affected by previous policies. Source: National Iraqi News Agency