Hideouts, tunnels, caves and logistical materials for ISIS gangs seized in Anbar


The Security Media Cell announced today, Sunday, the seizure of hideouts, tunnels, caves and logistical materials for ISIS terrorist gangs in Anbar. The cell said in a statement that "according to accurate intelligence information from the Intelligence Unit of the Fifth Division, in direct coordination with the Sources Department of the Military Intelligence Directorate, and in cooperation with the security forces holding the ground, and after searching and inspecting the areas of Rutba desert within Anbar Governorate, several hideouts, tunnels, caves, various logistical materials, various technical devices, as well as light weapons and ammunition of various types and calibers from the remnants of ISIS terrorist gangs were seized." It added that "the materials were removed and some of them were handed over to the concerned party, while others were destroyed, with the hideouts and tunnels completely filled in by the engineering effort detachments. Source: National Iraqi News Agency