Oil Minister reveals the organization of contracts to increase oil production and gas investment in 9 governorates


Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Minister of Oil Hayan Abdul-Ghani announced today, Thursday, the organization of contracts to increase oil production and gas investment in 9 governorates, while pointing to the operation of gas compressors in the fields east of Baghdad after 15 years of importing them. Abdul-Ghani said in a press statement, "By promoting the fifth and sixth supplementary licensing rounds, the Ministry of Oil was able to refer more than 12 oil fields and oil and gas exploration patches to specialized companies, and through these contracts that were distributed to many governorates such as Dhi Qar, Basra, Muthanna, Karbala, Najaf and Baghdad, in addition to the governorates of Wasit, Maysan and Diyala." He added, "There are contracts that we are currently organizing and signing with the companies that have been referred to. The goal of these contracts is to increase oil production, gas investment, and increase gas production from these oil patches and fields distributed in the go vernorates that were mentioned." Abdul Ghani continued, "The gas in the fields of East Baghdad was being burned in the stations, and the Ministry of Oil and the Central Oil Company sought to invest some of the equipment available to them. The issue concerns gas compressors and these compressors that were imported more than 15 years ago and many companies were unable to operate them, but the cadres of the Central Oil Company were able, through their expertise and capabilities, to rehabilitate these compressors, install them, and operate them." He continued, "I attended the process of launching these compressors and extinguishing the gas burning in the burners and directing the gas to these compressors and pumping it towards the pipeline network to the power stations, especially a production station with a capacity of more than 15 to 20 megawatts of gas per day, and now it is being pumped to the power stations and operated to generate electricity." Source : National Iraqi News Agency