PMF launches a security operation as part of the plan to secure Arbaeen visitors in Khanaqin, Diyala


The Popular Mobilization Commission announced, today, Thursday, the launch of a security operation within the plan to secure the Arbaeen visitors in Khanaqin in Diyala. The Commission said in a statement: "The forces of the 23rd Brigade within the Diyala Operations Command of the Popular Mobilization, today, Thursday, launched a security operation in the border areas in the city of Khanaqin in Diyala Governorate." It added, "This operation comes to provide full protection for visitors arriving through Al-Mundhiriyah border crossing, as it included Darawshka Mountains and Awsaj Valley within the sector of responsibility." It indicated that the security operations continue in order to secure the roads of visitors intending to participate in the Arbaeen visit in the holy Karbala." Source: National Iraqi News Agency