Popular Mobilization: Haniyeh’s blood, who spent his life in jihad, will not be in vain

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The Popular Mobilization Commission confirmed, on Wednesday, that the blood of the head of the political bureau of Hamas, the martyr Ismail Haniyeh, who spent his life in jihad, will not go in vain. The commission stated in a statement, "Day after day, the forces of evil and arrogance persist in shedding blood and violating sovereignty through blatant attacks, and what happened from a brutal aggressive operation against our forces in the Popular Mobilization in the north of Babylon Governorate, calls on us to carry out all our national, legal, and legitimate responsibilities in defending the sovereignty and dignity of Iraq, and unifying efforts, to take an immediate decision to withdraw foreign forces from our country." It added that "the coincidence of this attack with the criminal operation carried out by the usurping entity by assassinating the martyr brother, leader Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of Hamas, exposes the enemies' plans to ignite the region and expand the circle of war and agg ression." It continued, "While we mourn the souls of our righteous martyrs and offer our condolences to their families, we extend our deepest condolences and sympathy to the struggling Palestinian people, to our honorable brothers in the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, and to every resistance fighter." It stressed that "the blood of the martyr who spent his life in jihad, struggle, and the path to liberating Palestine will not be in vain, and that crime and the recklessness in the cowardly assassination operation will only increase the determination of the honorable and free resistance fighters to continue on the path of jihad. Source: National Iraqi News Agency