Shtayyeh orders sending a team from Civil Defense and the Ministry of Health to Libya


Under the directives of the President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh instructed to send a team from the Civil Defense and the Ministry of Health, to participate in efforts to rescue victims of the devastating storms, floods, and torrents that swept through the city of Derna, eastern Libya, and resulted in major losses in Lives and property.

The Prime Minister expressed his deepest condolences and sincere feelings of sympathy from the Libyan government and the brotherly Libyan people for the victims of floods and torrents, offering his condolences to the Palestinian community in Libya, which lost a number of its people in that tragic disaster, and shared with the Libyan brothers the great loss, asking God Almighty to May God bless them with His mercy, dwell them in His spacious gardens, and grant the injured a speedy recovery

Source: Maan News Agency