3rd Katara Prize for Arabic Poetry (Mothers of the Believers) Draws 289 Participants


Doha: The Cultural Village Foundation-Katara announced Sunday that the number of female participants in the 3rd Katara Prize for Arabic Poetry (Mothers of the Believers) reached 289 from 16 Arab and foreign countries. The prize committee chose the Prophet's wife Hafsa bint Umar as the topic of this prize. Egypt and Sudan topped the list with 126 participants, with Arab Maghreb countries coming in the second place with 76 participants. The Levant, Iraq, and the Arab Gulf states shared the third place with 42 participants for each territory, with the number of participants from foreign countries reaching 3. The prize primarily aims to promote the standing of the House of Prophethood, particularly the mothers of believers to be ingrained in the memories of the next generations, in addition to presenting poems on the history of the Mothers of the Believers and highlighting their influences in the Islamic Dawah. The total value of the allocated prize is about QR 120,000, distributed among three places: first p lace will receive QR 60,000, second place QR 40,000 and third place QR 20,000. Source: Qatar News Agency