Academic from Arab American University Participates in the 9th Istanbul International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences


Jenin-Ma'an- Dr. Mujahid Zayed, a lecturer at the Language Center at the Arab American University, participated in the 9th Istanbul International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, where he presented a scientific research paper and it was published as scheduled for the first session of the conference. The title of his research was 'Consistency in Machine Translation: The Case of Translating Media and Legal Terms from Arabic to English Using Bing Translator and Google Translate', where he provided a theoretical coverage of machine translation and methods of employing it to obtain the best texts in the target language between multiple language pairs including English and French, Russian and Spanish, German and French, English and Spanish, and ended with a review of its most important features between Arabic and English. The aim of his research is to explore the consistency of machine translation programs when translating legal and media terms from Arabic to English, as well as the accuracy of the t ranslations provided by machine translation of the mentioned terms compared to specialized glossaries. The results of the study showed that the translation programs tested provided more appropriate translations of legal terms, with a slight advantage for Bing Translator over Google Translate. The results of this study also revealed that Bing Translator and Google Translate were consistent in their translations of media and legal terms. Both translation programs were more consistent in translating media terms than legal terms. The researcher recommended using GT and BT programs with caution because they provided inconsistent translations of the meanings of terms in specialized dictionaries in certain cases. Dr. Ziad stressed the importance of his participation in the conference due to the real results he reached through analyzing translations provided by widely used automated programs in the modern era, which provides practical steps that benefit translators and users of automated translation programs in ob taining a good target text, as well as because it places the name of the Arab American University in international events and conferences with scientific outputs with high credibility, thus enhancing the university's remarkable presence among the most prestigious universities that participate in research activities at the local, regional and international levels. Source: Maan News Agency