Al-Amiri: Al-Quds Day is the day of announcing the renewal of the covenant with God, His Messenger, Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the Palestinian people

Key Issues

Head of Nebnai Alliance, Hadi Al-Amiri, considered Al-Quds Day the day of announcing the renewal of the covenant with God, His Messenger, Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the Palestinian people. Al-Amiri said in a speech on the occasion of International al-Quds Day: 'The Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood represented a turning point in the course of the Palestinian issue and brought it back to the forefront.' He added: "All the enemy's lies and false propaganda names have been exposed, such as the saying of the invincible army, and Al-Aqsa flood has swept away the rubble of the illusions of normalization and the dominance of Zionist lobbies in the world." Al-Amiri explained: 'America and the West stand behind the crimes of the Zionist entity and provide it with money, weapons, men, and management of the battle.' He stressed: 'Today, global awareness is turning to prosecuting Zionism, its symbols and its problematic ideology. The new global awareness movement seeks to create an international family in which there is no place for tyranny and occupation,' pointing out: 'We must focus on the lesson of the steadfastness of the resistance in Palestine that extends for more than 6 months.' He stated: 'The Americans admit that eliminating Hamas is a fantasy due to legendary steadfastness,' pointing out: 'The resistance front has begun to expand, and its men have refused to leave Palestine alone. The resistance in Iraq has taken its expected position to save the people of Gaza and deter the enemy.' He added: 'The Iraqis' resolve to confront the Zionist enemy was not new, but rather an extension of a continuous jihadist path. The Palestinian issue is in the conscience of all Iraqis, the religious authority, the government, the people, and the resistance,' stressing: 'The religious authorities in Iraq have had an honorable and courageous position throughout history.' Al-Amiri stated: 'The position of the Iraqi people towards the occupation is a principled position, where they rejected the occupation in the 1920's revolution and after 2003. The occupation returned without any legal cover to Iraq under the pretext of fighting terrorism, and we rejected its presence,' stressing: 'The government, the people and the resistance today are more determined to remove the occupation and achieve complete sovereignty.' Source: National Iraqi News Agency