All Parks Open At 30% Capacity


The Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME), represented by the Public Parks Department, has announced that all public parks will open, starting Friday, 28 May, 2021 at 30% capacity. This is part of the first stage of the plan of gradual lifting of the restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. All parks will be open from 5pm to 12 at midnight, while during holidays it will be open from 5pm to 1am. Al Khor Park on the other hand will open from 8am to 10 pm.

Parks will allow sitting and gathering of small groups of maximum five people or family members from the same house. Walking, running and cycling will be allowed, as well. Meanwhile, washrooms, children play areas, exercise machines, and playgrounds will remain closed.

MME calls on the public to adhere to all precautionary measures for entering parks, including activation of the green healthy status on ?EHTERAZ? app before entry, maintaining social distancing, measuring temperature, and preserving public hygiene. Opening of the parks is in line with relevant authorities adopted plans, developed to gradually ease the restrictions imposed to combat the outbreak of Covid-19.

Source: Municipality and Environment