American activist: The Palestinian people have changed the world and we will see Palestine liberated soon


Gaza - Together - These wishes were not just empty slogans, but rather a real wish that American citizen Tabitha Tapia, who is forty years old and lives in the city of Bellevue in the United States of America, seeks to achieve through her participation in events and activities in support of the Palestinian people and against Israeli crimes in the Palestinian territories. Especially in the Gaza Strip. The American activist does not hide her pain from the lies and misleading information that are spreading about the people of Palestine, considering that what is happening now is significantly different after the lies were exposed, and the world woke up to the horrors and occupation of the people of Palestine and the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation against them. In an exclusive interview, Tapia pointed out that many Western media outlets were hiding the facts or publishing them in a distorted way that harmed the struggle of the Palestinian people, going on to say that she remembers how Palestine was n ever a source that was adequately and correctly talked about in the news until the revolution began recently and the falsity of the Israeli allegations was exposed. Which was promoted by some Western media. The Israeli crimes and massacres against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip led to the launch of activities and demonstrations in support of the right of the Palestinian people to freedom and the establishment of their independent state, and to stop the Israeli crimes against children, women and the elderly in the Gaza Strip. The American activist says that when the war began, she immediately began going to marches and activities for Palestine. She also participated in many protests, as well as visiting Arms Director Adam Smith, who represents Washington State, where she traveled to Washington, D.C., to participate in the national march for Palestine. We traveled with 6 Different planes there and then we came back just to stay in D.C. for a day, considering that her real work had already begun when she s tarted putting up pro-Palestine signs in Bellevue, Washington on the highway last January. The American activist was not spared from attacks by groups supporting Zionist crimes and Zionist groups until she was attacked by Zionist groups that tried to prevent her and her friends from delivering the message related to Palestine. They not only harassed them, but it reached the point of physically assaulting them on more than one occasion, and trying to influence the authorities there by taking action. They decided to stop their activities, but they have not succeeded in doing so yet due to the efforts of many people, especially women, to stand against Israeli lies and deception. Tapia says: 'I am honored to participate in these events with wonderful and beautiful sisters like Nadia, Amani and Diana. These women were true examples of love and friendship. They taught me to never give up and how to fight together for what is right. They are true examples of humanity and compassion. Without them, I would be nothin g. We are We are very passionate about standing up to genocide and the horrors of this war. We are committed to seeing Palestine liberated and we will not stop until we do. As for Mrs. Tabitha's son, Ethan, who was no more than eight years old, he did not hide his sadness over the killing of Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip, which prompted him to participate with his mother in activities and events that support Palestine and oppose the Israeli occupation, including his participation in pro-Palestine marches, as well as raising banners denouncing Israeli crimes against them. Palestinian people. Tapia believes that her son, Ethan, is honored by the presence of a beautiful Palestinian teacher named Iman, whom he loves and appreciates greatly. She helped Ethan in ways that most teachers did not, and this demonstrates the beauty of the Palestinian people, reminding her that if you feel pain, you are alive, but if you feel the pain of others, you are human. The efforts of the American activist and her son did not stop at participating in events and marches rejecting Israeli crimes. Rather, she collected donations to help some Palestinian families survive the scourge of war in Gaza, where she succeeded in helping a family reach Egypt. She and her friend Rosie Aman also collected money to evacuate others, but the Israeli attack On the city of Rafah and the closure of the Rafah crossing hindered their travel outside the Gaza Strip, adding that we feel terrified every day for their safety, but all we can do is wait. She goes on to say: I never expected to meet anyone from Gaza, let alone help anyone escape from Gaza because of the Israeli massacres, but they became my family. My life has changed for the better since these people entered my life. They are like my brothers and I love them like my family, adding that my goal is to hug them personally. someday. I will never give up on this goal especially since not only am I close to them, but my son Ethan is very attached to them as well. He feels like he has big br others that he can look up to and share his life with one day, God willing. The American woman and her father recently began studying the teachings of Islam, explaining that she began studying the Qur'an about a month before the war after she left Christianity about 5 years ago for various reasons, explaining that she had always believed in one God. She said: 'We are honored to serve and stand on the right side of history and to have amazing examples of leadership and love surrounding me. If it were not for many Muslim and Palestinian friends like Rosie, Hossam, Mahmoud, Amani, Diana, Nadia, and many others, I would not be where I am today.' Her gratitude to them all. She thanked and appreciated the State of Palestine because it showed the world what true courage, faith and love look like. Name: Age: 40 City: Bellevue, Washington (Seattle) Name: Ethan Tapia Age: 8 Same city as me, I first learned about Palestine when I was 10 years old. Over the past thirty years,. Source: Maan News Agency