Anbar Intelligence lures a terrorist from abroad after transporting him with explosive vehicles and explosive belts and arrests him


The Intelligence Agency in Anbar lured a defendant from outside the country after transporting him with explosive-laden vehicles and explosive belts and arresting him.

The Agency statement stated that the intelligence Agency's specialized counter-terrorism detachments received accurate and confirmed information indicating the presence of a wanted person in accordance with the provisions of Article Four of the Anti-Terrorism Law, who participated and contributed directly to terrorist operations represented by attacks on members of the Iraqi armed forces and security services with explosive-laden vehicles, explosive devices, and explosive belts. He also participated in the assassination and killing of citizens.

It explained that under the supervision of the Undersecretary for Intelligence and Federal Investigations, an intelligence work team was formed that included an elite group of intelligence officers specialized in combating terrorism. This team was able to lure this dangerous defendant from outside Iraq, and with a precise ambush, the terrorist was overthrown and arrested. His statements were recorded and referred to the competent investigative authorities in preparation for his appearance before the judiciary to receive his just punishment.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency