Doha: Weather inshore until 6:00 pm on Thursday will be relatively hot daytime and partly cloudy to cloudy with a chance of scattered rain maybe thundery at times, and relatively cold by night, the Department of Meteorology said in its daily weather report, warning of expected strong wind at places and thundery rain. Offshore, the weather will be partly cloudy to cloudy with a chance of scattered rain maybe thundery to the North, the report added, warning of strong wind, high sea and expected thundery rain to the North.
According to Qatar News Agency, wind inshore will be southeasterly to northeasterly at a speed of 10 – 20 KT, gusting to 25 KT at places at times. Offshore, it will be southeasterly to northeasterly at a speed of 12 – 22 KT, gusting to 30 KT at times. The sea state inshore will be 2 – 4 ft, rising to 5 ft at times. Offshore will be 4 – 7 ft, rising to 9 ft at times.
Visibility inshore will be 4 – 8 KM / 3 KM or less at places at times, while offshore will be 5 – 9 KM / 3 KM or less with thundery rain.
High and low tide times have been detailed for various areas, with Doha experiencing high tides at 07:43 and 23:19, and low tides at 04:08 and 15:52. The minimum and maximum temperatures across regions vary, with Doha ranging from 20 to 24 degrees, Mesaieed from 21 to 25 degrees, and Abu Samra from 20 to 31 degrees.
Sunrise is expected at 05:51 LT and sunset at 17:38 LT.