Foreign Minister participates in 3rd session of Arab Economic and Cooperation Forum with Central Asian Countries, Azerbaijan


Doha, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, participated in the third session of the Arab Economic and Cooperation Forum with Central Asian Countries and the Republic of Azerbaijan, held today in Doha. Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar, chaired the meeting, attended by Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the Secretary General of the Arab League. During the opening session, Dr. Al Zayani highlighted the strong bonds between Arab and Central Asian countries, emphasising shared religion, culture, and history as crucial for enhancing cooperation and fostering mutual development. 'We look forward to creating a stimulating environment that leads to increasing trade exchange and encouraging investment between the two sides, as well as intensifying joint cooperation in many other vital fields such as energy, transportation, environment, science, technology, health, education, tourism and culture, because of their posit ive impact on economic and social growth,' he said. Dr. Al Zayani said that Arab countries strive to resolve conflicts and crises through constructive dialogue and diplomatic means, adhering to international covenants and values of tolerance and human coexistence, to establish a just, comprehensive, and lasting peace for the benefit of all peoples. The Foreign Affairs Minister stressed that the Palestinian issue is the core of the conflict in the Middle East region, noting that the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip constitutes a painful tragedy that must be stopped immediately, because of the threat it poses to regional security, stability and prosperity. Dr. Al Zayani called on the international community to help the Palestinian people in realising their legitimate national rights, back efforts to reach immediate ceasefire in Gaza, as well as launch a serious political process that would lead to achieving lasting peace in the region, and establishing an independen t Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, according to the two-state solution and international resolutions, in addition to accepting the State of Palestine as a full UN member. Source: Bahrain News Agency