Greek Minister of Citizen Protection to QNA: HH the Amir’s Visit Reflects Steady Development of Relations between Two Countries


HE Minister of Citizen Protection of the Hellenic Republic Michalis Chrisochoidis stressed that the visit of HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani to the Hellenic Republic reflects the steady development of the diplomatic, economic, and cultural relations between the two countries and represents an opportunity to discuss ways to strengthen the cooperation at all levels. In his remarks to Qatar News Agency , His Excellency said that the visit carries significant importance as it underscores the strengthening of bilateral relations between Qatar and the Hellenic Republic and represents an opportunity to enhance the common goals of the two countries. He pointed out that bilateral relations between the two countries have seen significant development over the past years and cover various sectors of possible cooperation such as energy, economy and trade, culture, and tourism. He added that there is a mutual will to further deepen the existing bilateral relations through the exchanged visits of officials and the completion of the contractual framework between the two parties as a number of memoranda of understanding already are in place and bilateral agreements have been signed in the past. HE the Minister of Citizen Protection of the Hellenic Republic indicated that there have been several high-level visits and meetings between officials from both countries, most of which often culminate in agreements that further strengthen bilateral ties. In this context, he noted the latest visit of HE Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic Kyriakos Mitsotakis in February, where he met with HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani. During the meeting, they discussed bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to strengthen and develop them in various areas of cooperation, in addition to regional and international issues of common interest, especially developments in the Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories. "High-level engagements between the two countries reinforce political will and mutual re spect, laying the groundwork for deeper collaboration across various sectors. It also provides an opportunity to engage in strategic dialogue on regional and international issues, enhancing understanding and cooperation on shared concerns." His Excellency said. He pointed out that strategic agreements between the two countries underscores the mutual commitment to strengthening this partnership. His Excellency highlighted that the future prospects for Qatar-Greece relations are promising, with both countries showing a genuine commitment to deepening their existing cooperation. He pointed out that those agreements would demonstrate the commitment to a robust partnership that benefits the national interests of both countries and contributes to regional stability and prosperity at the same time. HE the Minister of Citizen Protection of the Hellenic Republic pointed out that the visit is expected to significantly strengthen Qatar-Greece bilateral relations across multiple domains, voicing his optimism about the future of our bilateral relations between the two countries. "Our expectations for strengthening cooperation in the political, economic, and commercial fields are high, and we are committed to building on our shared interests and mutual respect to achieve concrete outcomes," His Excellency said, pointing out that the visit will enhance diplomatic ties and promote joint efforts for regional stability. Economically, HE Michalis Chrisochoidis hoped that the visit would lead to increased investments, enhanced trade relations, and closer collaboration in the energy sector. He noted that the visit is expected to boost tourism, cultural exchanges, and technological partnerships between both countries. His Excellency said that signing new agreements and memoranda of understanding between the two sides contributes to outlining mutual commitments on various political and strategic issues. In that regard, he stressed that this visit represents a major step forward in fostering a robust and multifaceted partnership be tween Qatar and Greece. Regarding the most important fields of cooperation between the two countries, His Excellency indicated that the several key areas of cooperation that constitute a priority for Greece are centered around national security and strategic interests in their various economic, security, and cultural dimensions. He highlighted Greece's endeavor to enhance cooperation with the State of Qatar in the fields of security and law enforcement, enhance practical cooperation to dismantle organized crime networks, exchange information, capacity building, joint training sessions for law enforcement and security personnel, and exchange best practices in this framework. "Focusing on these key areas is essential to build a comprehensive and effective partnership. This way, Greece and Qatar can significantly enhance their public security capabilities and contribute to regional and global security," His Excellency said. "By building on our past successes and addressing emerging security challenges together , we aim to create a safer environment for our citizens and contribute to regional and global stability," His Excellency added. HE Michalis Chrisochoidis praised the ability of the State of Qatar to overcome great challenges, as it was able to successfully manage the Covid-19 pandemic, in addition to hosting the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, describing this event as "one of the biggest sporting events in the world, for the first time ever held in the Arab world." "Greece on the other hand, gained expertise and significant experience after successfully organizing the Athens 2004 Olympic Games. That became a milestone for our skills in the field and increased our special police capabilities such as vital infrastructure protection, security clearances, crowd control, VIP protection etc.," His Excellency said. HE Minister of Citizen Protection of the Hellenic Republic Michalis Chrisochoidis concluded his remarks to QNA by emphasizing that it is always beneficial for the two countries to exchange know-how on operat ional planning for such events, including, inter alia, best practices, and training, voicing his country's commitment to working closely with the Qatari side, in a way that contributes to achieving their common goals, especially security ones. Source: Qatar News Agency