Hebron Governor receives Minister of Women’s Affairs and Head of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Commission


HEBRON - Ma'an - Hebron Governor Khaled Dudin received in his office on Monday afternoon Minister of Women's Affairs Mona Khalili and Minister of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Commission Mu'ayyad Shaaban and their accompanying staff to learn about the conditions in the governorate and its needs, especially in targeted and closed areas that are exposed to attacks by the occupation and its settlers. The governor stressed that the situation has worsened since the start of the aggression on Gaza and has become more intense in terms of daily attacks by the occupation forces and settler gangs against defenseless citizens. Judaization and land seizure have become the desired goal, taking advantage of the current situation and the focus on the Gaza Strip, while ignoring everything that is happening in the West Bank, especially in the Hebron governorate. The governor noted that all sectors in the Hebron governorate are within the scope of the occupation, especially the blatant violations against women and child ren, stressing the need to support and strengthen the steadfastness of women, who are an essential part of the national struggle history. Minister Khalili stressed that her visit today comes within the framework of learning about the difficulties experienced by Palestinian women and developing special programs to empower them and enhance their pioneering role. For his part, Minister Shaaban stressed that all ministries of the state are striving to cooperate together to thwart the occupation's efforts through collective popular action and providing all possible support and facilities to preserve the citizen and the land. Source: Maan News Agency