HM King arrives in Egypt to participate in ‘Cairo Summit’

Key Issues

Cairo, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa arrived in Egypt today, where he will lead the kingdom’s delegation at the Cairo Summit, which will be devoted to discussing the latest developments and future of the Palestinian cause, in addition to the peace process.

HM the King is participating in Saturday’s summit at the invitation of Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah El Sisi.

On arrival, HM King Hamad made a statement in which he expressed appreciation and gratitude to President El Sisi for inviting him to participate in the Cairo Summit to discuss the Palestinian cause and the peace process, in the midst of the ongoing dangerous military escalation in the Gaza Strip.

HM the King expressed deep pride in and appreciation of Egypt’s constant keenness on exerting good endeavours to end the war in the Gaza Strip and mitigate its repercussions, as well as provide protection for brotherly Gazans by ensuring the delivery of humanitarian and relief aid to them.

HM King Hamad also commended the efforts being made by Egypt to revive the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, in a way that would contribute to reaching a political settlement and a just solution to the Palestinian cause, through the two-state solution that paves the way for establishing an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with the resolutions of the international legitimacy.

HM the King commended President El Sisi’s efforts and initiative to hold the Cairo Summit, praising the important strategic role played by Egypt to support peace, security and stability in the Arab world, as well as unify efforts to maintain Arab national security, in addition to consolidating solidarity and peaceful coexistence in the best interests of Arab countries and their peoples.

HM King Hamad wished Egypt’s leadership continued success.

Source: Bahrain News Agency