In record time … The Federal Police arrests (7) suspects in a brawl that led to the death of a person in Baghdad


The Federal Police Command forces arrested (7) suspects on the background of a brawl that led to the death of a person in Baghdad, within 24 hours. The Federal Police Command stated in a statement that: "According to intelligence information and a distinguished security operation, a force from the 18th Brigade of the 5th Division in the Federal Police, in coordination with the detachments of the 5th Brigade in (Al-Hurriya) area, was able to arrest (7) suspects who committed a murder during an armed brawl and shooting in the (Sadr City) area earlier." It explained that: 'The operation was carried out after the area was cordoned off and the house was raided based on intelligence information that the accused were in (Al-Hurriya) area in one of the houses belonging to their relatives, who confessed after the initial investigation to committing the murder. It was also found after matching their information with the intelligence database that two of them were wanted by the judiciary according to the provisions of Article (4 of Terrorism), and when their place of residence was searched, (4 medium and light rifles of different types, 3 pistols, 120 rounds, forged IDs and badges) were seized from them. The accused and the seized items were referred to the competent authorities in accordance with the law. Source: National Iraqi News Agency