Integrity Commission arrests an official in Maysan who embezzled 10 billion dinars


The Federal Integrity Commission announced that its cadres in Maysan Governorate have implemented the arrest warrant issued against the Assistant Director of the International Development Bank branch in the governorate and two employees there; On charges of embezzling more than three and a quarter billion dinars. The Commission's Government Information and Communications Office reported that the Commission's investigation office in Maysan had formed a working team; to investigate and verify information received to it, including that the Director of the International Development Bank, Maysan Branch, embezzled an amount of (6,771,010,000) dinars from the bank in conjunction with its female storyteller, pointing out that the team, after conducting investigation and investigation operations, seized the priorities related to the case and organizing a due process report and presenting it before the competent investigating judge, who issued an arrest and investigation order against the branch director and the fema le storyteller, in accordance with the provisions of Article (315) of the Penal Code. It added that the team moved in a third operation to the Maysan Investment Authority, and seized the dispatch orders for the Director of the Administration Department, on which the Ministry of Finance report showed that the stamps and signatures written on them were incorrect, noting that the team was able, after obtaining the judicial decision, to implement the arrest warrant issued against the department director in accordance with the provisions of Article (316) of the Penal Code, noting that the competent investigating judge decided to detain him pending investigation. Source: National Iraqi News Agency