Integrity Commission: The Director of the Development Bank, Maysan branch, was ousted for embezzling more than (6.7) billion dinars.


Baghdad, The Federal Integrity Commission announced the implementation of the arrest warrant issued against the Director of the International Development Bank - Maysan Branch; Against the backdrop of charges of embezzling billions of dinars from the bank. Speaking about the operation, the Commission's Government Information and Communications Office stated: 'Cooperation and coordination between the Authority and the Intelligence Agency resulted in the arrest of the Director of the International Development Bank - Maysan Branch in the capital, Baghdad, and the implementation of the arrest warrant issued against him, based on the provisions of Article (315) of Penal Code. It pointed out that the details of the case are that the Director of the International Development Bank, Maysan branch, embezzled an amount of (6,771,010,000) Iraqi dinars from the bank in conjunction with the reliable female storyteller in it, in addition to his collusion with the bank's assistant director and two employees working in the capacity of ' Treasurer in the branch, who proceeded to withdraw an amount of (3,385,000,000) Iraqi dinars from the fortified storeroom in it and handed it over to unknown persons. The Commission had announced yesterday, Thursday, that its staff in Maysan Governorate were able to implement the arrest warrant issued against the assistant director of the International Development Bank branch in the governorate and two employees there on charges of embezzling more than three and a quarter billion dinars. Source: National Iraqi News Agency