Iran calls on the UN Security Council to hold an urgent meeting regarding the bombing of its consulate in Damascus


Baghdad, The Iranian mission to the United Nations called on the UN Security Council today, Tuesday, to hold an urgent and emergency session to discuss the Israeli aggression against the Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital, Damascus, which led to the killing of seven senior military advisors. The mission stated in a letter to the Council that 'the Israeli occupation regime launched a heinous and hateful terrorist attack on the diplomatic facilities of the Islamic Republic in the Syrian Arab Republic.' Calling on the Security Council to "take necessary measures in holding an urgent meeting to deal with this grave violation and prevent future aggressive actions that endanger the security and safety of diplomatic missions." The mission urged the international community to bring those involved in this attack to justice, stressing that 'the aggressor Israeli regime bears full responsibility for the consequences of such terrorist crimes, and Iran reserves its legitimate and inherent right, based on internatio nal laws and the United Nations Charter, to respond decisively to such terrorist acts." On Monday evening, Iran announced the martyrdom of seven of its advisors in the Israeli attack in the Iranian consulate in Damascus, including one of the Revolutionary Guard commanders, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi. Source: National Iraqi News Agency