Joint Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit/ King of Jordan Says the World will Pay the Price of Failure to Resolve the Palestinian Issue


Riyadh King Abdullah II of Jordan on Saturday warned that the region will spiral into a major conflict which price innocent people from both sides will pay, and which repercussions will affect the whole world if the "ugly war on Gaza does not stop".

Addressing the summit King Abdullah II said that "This injustice did not begin a month ago. It is a continuation of over seven decades dominated by a fortress mentality of separation walls and violations against holy sites and rights, the majority of whose victims are innocent civilians. It is the same mentality that seeks to turn Gaza into an unlivable place. It targets mosques, churches, and hospitals; it kills doctors, paramedics, and relief workers; even children, the elderly, and women." Did the world have to wait for this painful humanitarian tragedy and the terrible destruction to unfold in order to realize that just peace, which fulfills the legitimate rights of the Palestinians on the basis of the two-state solution, is the only way to reach stability and end the killing and violence which have continued for decades? King Abdullah II asked.

He added that the injustice inflected on the Palestinian reflects the international community's failure to grant them justice and guarantee their rights to dignity, self-determination, and the establishment of their independent state on the 4 June 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

"We cannot be silent over the catastrophic situation in the Gaza Strip, which suffocates life and prevents the delivery of medicines," he said King Abdullah II stressed that humanitarian corridors must be kept safe and sustainable, saying "Banning the delivery of food, medicine, water, and electricity to Gazans is not acceptable. It is a war crime that the world must condemn. Jordan will continue to undertake its duty in dispatching humanitarian aid to the Palestinians through any means available."

Source: Qatar News Agency