Jordan closes its airspace to aviation movement


The Jordanian Civil Aviation Regulatory Authority announced today, Saturday, the complete closure of Jordanian airspace to Aviation movement, due to the escalation of risks in the region and to preserve the safety and security of civil aviation. Jordanian media quoted the authority as saying: 'The authority has taken a decision to temporarily close Jordanian airspace to all incoming, departing and transiting planes, starting at 20:00 UTC, i.e. 11:00 pm local time, for the next several hours, and this will be continuously updated and reviewed according to developments. The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Jordanian Civil Aviation Regulatory Authority, Haitham Misto, previously stated on Saturday that air traffic in Jordan was affected as a result of the interference that affected the global navigation system GPS, and the planes used alternative systems for it Source: National Iraqi News Agency