Mandalawi Calls On The Iraqi Govt To Start Immediately The Procedures For Severing Diplomatic Relations With Sweden


The First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, expressed his disapproval of the Swedish government's deliberate repetition of allowing the violation of the sanctity of the Holy Quran, as well as the desecration of the flag of Iraq, which is the country of prophets, guardians, and religious coexistence throughout the ages.

In a statement, Mandalawi called on the Iraqi government, represented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to proceed with the procedures for severing diplomatic relations with the State of Sweden, which underestimated all standards of humanity and respect for religions, human beliefs and monotheistic religions.

Al-Mandalawi called on all Islamic countries to unite in the face of this attack, which attempts to sow division between religions, provoke the feelings of citizens, and cause division and hatred among humanity through actions that have nothing to do with democracy or freedom of expression, insofar as they are crimes that governments must have a serious stance towards and consider them inconsistent with the values of tolerance, acceptance of the other, peaceful coexistence, and democratic values.

He welcomed the adoption by the United Nations Human Rights Council of a draft resolution "addressing religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence," a resolution that several countries considered endangers freedom of expression, and considering such acts as "incitement to hatred and racism, and hinders international efforts aimed at spreading the values of tolerance and moderation and rejecting extremism and terrorism, and undermining mutual respect between peoples and states."

Source: National Iraqi News Agency