Mansour: The assassination of Haniyeh and all crimes against our people prove that Israel is a rogue state


New York - Ma'an - The Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, Minister Riyad Mansour, sent three identical letters to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, the President of the United Nations General Assembly, Dennis Francis, and the President of the Security Council for this month, Russia, represented by its Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzia, in which he warned that Israel is waging a heinous war against our people deliberately and arbitrarily, and in flagrant violation of the resolutions issued by the Security Council. Mansour added that after nearly 300 days of Israel's genocidal war against the Palestinian people, we are still witnessing more horrors with the killing of Palestinian children, women and men; the killing of humanitarian and medical workers and journalists; the kidnapping, torture and rape of civilians in Israeli prisons; and the continued bombing and destruction of Palestinian homes and neighborhoods. Meanw hile, in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, Israeli occupation forces and settlers continue their violent terrorist attacks, killing at least 569 civilians, including children. The illegal Israeli colonial campaign is escalating, with land seizures, theft and demolition of homes and property, and the forced displacement of thousands of civilians in the past ten months alone. Mansour pointed out that Israel proves every day that it will continue to act as a rogue state. "Today's assassination and all the crimes that preceded it and followed it in the following hours are proof of that." He recalled that the Palestinian leadership and President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the assassination of former Prime Minister and Head of the Political Bureau of Hamas Ismail Haniyeh, the blatant violation of the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the repeated violations of Lebanese and Syrian territory, including Tuesday's attack on Beirut. Mansour called for accountability for this assassination, and for t he brutal killing and injury of more than 130,000 Palestinian children, women and men during this past period. He told UN officials that the Council was failing to act to impose a ceasefire and put an end to Israeli crimes, warning that failure to hold Israel accountable allowed it to commit these crimes and emboldened government officials, military leaders and extremist settlers to escalate their terrorist attacks. 'We once again call with the utmost urgency on the Security Council, the General Assembly and all law-abiding and peace-loving states to act immediately to stop the horrific and criminal Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people and the entire region,' Mansour said, noting that Israel is blatantly seeking to destabilize the entire region and provoke a comprehensive war in the Middle East in a profound way that has serious repercussions for the region and beyond. He called on the international community, especially the Security Council, to support international resolutions and the obliga tions of states to stop the genocidal attack committed by Israel against the Palestinian people and prevent the outbreak of a regional war, stressing that international peace and security are at risk at these critical moments. Source: Maan News Agency