MOC Launches ‘Seminar Series’ for the First time in Doha, March 17


The Ministry of Culture (MOC) has announced the launch of a major cultural and intellectual event in Doha for the first time, entitled 'Seminar Series’, which begins on March 17, and will continue for two weeks. The initiative in partnership with Qatar University and the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS) aims to spread the culture of diversity and giving opportunities for thinkers, intellectuals and graduates to enhance the intellectual environment.

HE the Minister of Culture Sheikh Abdulrahman bin Hamad Al Thani affirmed that the Seminar Series works to achieve the ministry's vision by giving culture its essential role in protecting the identity of society, ensuring its progress, and promoting dialogue between thinkers and generations of intellectuals.

During a meeting with the editors-in-chief of local newspapers, HE the minister noted that the vision of MOC is based on supporting creativity, strengthening partnerships with active institutions in society for a comprehensive approach to societal issues, giving culture its essential role in protecting the identity of society and ensuring its progress, and establishing an intellectual environment that supports creativity and enhances the dialogue between thinkers and generations of intellectuals - serving the renaissance of society. The seminar series aims to achieve these collective aspirations and enrich the cultural scene.

Source: Government of Qatar