MOTC Announces Completing 3537 Service Transactions in Maritime Transport Sector


The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) has affirmed the completion of 3537 service transactions in the Maritime Transport Sector during the first quarter of the current year. This sector in the State of Qatar is witnessing great boom now, benefiting from the upgraded level of the infrastructure and its progress in the State, as well as the plans of the diversification of economic activities. This also includes the fleet composition and available integrated supply chains, which constitute a solid foundation for the continued growth of freight and logistics services companies in the State.

MOTC also clarified in this regard that the Maritime Transport Sector is responsible for overseeing all activities of the maritime transport in the State of Qatar by three main pillars: Planning and Maritime Transport Licenses Department, Marine Systems Department and Quality Performance of Maritime Transport Services Department. The sector provides a wide range of outstanding services for companies and individuals.

Source: Government of Qatar