NHRC Signs MoU with NCHR of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Key Issues

National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Center for Human Rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with the aim of intensifying cooperation in advancing human rights systems, strategies, and action plans, benefiting from the technical and institutional expertise of both sides.

NHRC said in a statement on Monday that the MoU comes in the framework of developing the protection mechanisms of human rights and fundamental freedoms, in addition to strengthening democratic institutions and the rule of law in the two countries.

The MoU includes cooperation plans to disseminate progressive and humanitarian ideas, initiatives, and practices. It also aims to promote and protect human rights in the two countries, guided by the globally recognized rules and principles of public international law, international human rights law, and national legislations, in addition to the "Paris Principles" relating to the Status of National Institutions, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993.

During a consultative meeting preceding the signing of the MoU, the Qatari and Uzbek sides stressed that their coordination, partnership, mutual assistance, and exchange of expertise will be of mutual benefit, promoting and protecting human rights in the two countries in accordance with their respective laws and regulations. They also noted that the MoU would further consolidate their ties in the areas of promoting the culture of human rights and human rights and freedoms' protection on the basis of equality, mutual respect, and mutual benefit.

Both sides discussed strengthening cooperation regarding compliance with the rules, regulations and directives in force in the two countries, in order to enhance the national legislative framework in accordance with international agreements, as well as cooperating in training programs on human rights, conducting joint research, and carrying out joint media and awareness-campaigns and activities. Furthermore, the two sides agreed on increasing coordination to aid both sides in fulfilling their international human rights obligations.

Meanwhile, NHRC held a meeting with a number of officials from the Uzbek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, attended by HE Deputy Chairman of NHRC Dr. Mohammad bin Saif Al Kuwari, HE Secretary-General of NHRC Sultan bin Hassan Al Jamali, and a number of Committee department directors and officials. Participants stressed the need to hold regular bilateral consultations on the promotion and protection of human rights.

Source: Qatar News Agency