/NINA/ publishes the memorandums of understanding that were signed between Iraq and Turkey

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The National Iraqi News Agency (NINA) publishes today, Monday, the memorandums of understanding and agreements that were signed in Baghdad, between Iraq and Turkey. 1- Strategic Framework Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Republic of Turkey. 2- A memorandum of framework agreement for cooperation in the field of water between the government of the Republic of Iraq and the Republic of Turkey. 3- A Memorandum of Understanding for the Development Road Project, between the Ministry of Transport and the Turkish Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. 4- A memorandum of understanding to form a joint economic trade committee (JETCO) between the Iraqi and Turkish ministries of commerce. 5- An agreement to encourage, protect and exchange investments between the National Investment Authority and the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology. 6- A memorandum of understanding between the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce and the Turkish Foreign Economic Relations Council. 7 - A memorandum of understanding for technical, scientific and economic cooperation in the field of small and medium enterprises, between the Ministry of Industry and the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology. 8- A memorandum of understanding in the field of military training, between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Defense. 9- A memorandum of understanding on training and cooperation in the field of military health, between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Defense. 10- A memorandum of understanding for strategic cooperation between the Military Industrialization Authority and the Turkish Defense Industries Secretariat. 11- A memorandum of understanding for security cooperation between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Interior. 12- A memorandum of understanding between the Foreign Service Institute and the Turkish Strategic Studies Institute, and between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Foreign Affairs. 13- A memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of youth and sports, between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Youth and Sports. 14- A memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of health and medical sciences, between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Health. 15- The Agricultural Working Group Plan for the period 2024-2025, between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Agriculture. 16- Memorandum of understanding on scientific and technological research, between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council. 17- A memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the educational field, between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Education. 18- A memorandum of understanding in the field of tourism cooperation, between the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities and the Turkish Ministry of Tourism. 19- A memorandum of understanding in the field of employment and social security, between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Labor and Social Affairs. 20- A memorandum of understanding i n the field of social and family affairs, between the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Turkish Ministry of Family and Services. 21- A Memorandum of understanding regarding government documents and archives, between the Ministry of Culture and the Turkish Government Archives. 22- A memorandum of understanding in the field of product security and technical barriers to trade, between the Ministry of Planning and the Turkish Ministry of Trade. 23- A memorandum of understanding in religious affairs between the Sunni Endowment Office and the Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs. 24- A memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of judicial training for students, judges, assistants and prosecutors, between the Iraqi Judicial Institute and the Turkish Justice Academy. 25- A Memorandum of understanding in the field of electricity, between the Ministry of Electricity and the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. 26- A memorandum of understanding in the field of media and com munications between the Media and Communications Authority and the Turkish Communications Presidency. Source: National Iraqi News Agency