North Korea launches two ballistic missiles towards the sea


North Korea launched today, Wednesday, a ballistic missile towards the East Sea of the Korean Peninsula.

Yonhap News Agency quoted the South Korean Armed Forces Chief of Staff as saying that North Korea launched a ballistic missile towards the eastern sea of the Korean Peninsula, adding that the country's army is conducting an analysis on the details and type of the missile and the distance it traveled.

For its part, the Japanese Maritime Security Agency said that North Korea is believed to have launched a second ballistic missile.

A statement issued by it said: “According to the Ministry of Defense, North Korea launched a missile believed to be ballistic. All ships and aircraft are requested to follow up the information, and if falling fragments are found, to inform the Maritime Security Service, without approaching them.”

This is the seventeenth ballistic missile launch this year, and the last time North Korea launched two ballistic missiles was last August 30. Their flight range was 350 and 400 km, and their flight altitude was 50 km.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency