OIC Conference on Food Security Underscores Significance of Building more Flexible Food Security


The 9th Ministerial Conference of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Food Security and Agricultural Development wrapped up its activities in Doha on Monday.

The event underscored the significance of reinforcing intra-OIC cooperation in food and agriculture to build more resilient food systems, as well as achieve the sustainable development goals through sharing knowledge and best practices that bolster food security, productivity, and resilience.

Held under the motto: "Towards Achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States", the final statement of the conference stressed the importance of the endeavor to establish the core financial structures and essential legal frameworks to strengthen financial inclusion of farmers through the provision of access to products and financial services, including models of Islamic financing that promote economic flexibility through increasing their production and income.

The statement noted the significance of cooperation and coordination with OIC relevant institutions in carrying out a study and upgrade a work model and cooperation framework in contract farming, as well as appraise the needs and potential of member states to submit the aforementioned study and work model to the upcoming session of MCFSAD for further consideration and action.

In addition, the statement underscored the significance of full consultation with the member states to implement the relevant decisions and resolutions of OIC on creating a hedge system for food security, in addition to bolstering the activities of research and innovation with respect to increasing the resilience and sustainability of agricultural and food systems, mitigating climate change effects, adapting to these changes and reversing the direction of loss of genetic and biodiversity resources.

There is a desperate need for encouraging the member states to support capabilities, training and extension services for local producers and small-scale farmers with respect to sustainability of food systems, boosting the flexibility of food and agriculture sectors and striving to inspire visions and directives of the member states on the activities related to setting a strategic plan that achieves food security in OIC member states, the statement pointed out.

The OIC member states are aware of the importance of ending hunger and boosting sustainable production, because they possess unexploited resources, potential and energies that enable them to accomplish the sustainable development goals, the statement reads.

In conclusion, the participants in MCFSAD thanked Qatar for hosting the event and lauded its role in supporting the efforts of bolstering food security in OIC member states. They also wished success for Qatar during its presidency of the executive council of the Islamic Organization for Food Security and the 9th Ministerial Conference of MCFSAD.

Source: Qatar News Agency