On International Youth Day, Al-Hakim calls for caring for youth and confronting social challenges and alien ideas

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The head of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, called to care for youth and confront social challenges and alien ideas. He said in a statement on the occasion of International Youth Day: We affirm that youth are a vital pillar in our reality, given their size and population ratios in societies, which requires care and empowerment for them, taking into account the requirements, developments, technology, information technology, and others. He added that from this standpoint, we call for confronting social challenges and alien ideas that target segments of society, including the youth, and updating the methods of religious discourse and using modern methods in conveying advice and guidance, and removing the specter of extremism and hatred from their lives. Al-Hakim also urged religious and political activities and global communities to find a common vision in combating the scourge of drugs that is sweeping the region and the world and protecting the youth from it. In Iraq, al-Hakim renewed his sup port for the government in implementing its government program in providing services, moving the wheel of reconstruction, providing job opportunities, and empowering and supporting youth. He concluded by sending greetings to the Iraqi youth, the pillar of the nation, and the rest of their peers in the world on their blessed day. Source: National Iraqi News Agency