Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Israeli Occupation Crimes Warrant Intervention of International Community, Criminal Court


Ramallah, Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the crime committed today by Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinian Issa Ali Abdul Moneim Al Tamimi (65 years old) while he was driving his vehicle in the city of Hebron.

The ministry, in a statement today, considered the execution of the elderly Tamimi a war crime and a crime against humanity, adding to the extrajudicial killings committed by the occupation forces, settler militias, and their armed elements against the Palestinian people.

The ministry warned against treating extrajudicial killings as mere statistics and numbers that conceal the extent of the suffering of Palestinian families and their levels due to the assassination of their sons and the theft of lives, particularly highlighting the crimes of genocide against the besieged people in the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry called on the international community to abandon its silence and indifference towards the bloodshed and suffering of the Palestinians and the ongoing historical injustice imposed upon them.

The ministry affirmed that it would pursue this crime, similar to previous ones, with the International Criminal Court, urging it to break its silence, shoulder its responsibilities, and fulfill its commitments regarding the attacks and crimes against the Palestinian people. This includes holding Israeli war criminals accountable and bringing them to trial.

Source: Qatar News Agency