Parliament: A New Mechanism To Activate The Work Of The Article 140 Committee, And These Are Its Financial Allocations


The Parliament announced the establishment of a new mechanism to activate the work of the Article 140 Committee, stressing that the financial allocations allocated by the government are very low.

The second deputy Speaker of Parliament, Shakhwan Abdullah, said, in a joint press conference with members of Parliamentary Committee 140 today, Thursday, that "the temporary committee formed in the House of Representatives to follow up on the work of Article 140 of the Constitution Committee, which was suspended for more than 10 years, was activated after the agreement of the political blocs to support the activation of this article."

He added, "There are thousands of transactions for those affected by the policies of the former regime within the framework of Article 140, and the amount allocated for compensation by the government in the 2023 budget is a very small amount."

He explained, "The committee needs to complete its tasks to 4 trillion dinars, and only 100 billion dinars were allocated, and after efforts, another 100 billion were transferred, so that the amount becomes 200 billion dinars, and this amount needs to be organized for how compensation reaches those included in the article."

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament confirmed that "a new mechanism has been put in place for the work of Article 140, and there are regular weekly meetings to push for its real activation and completion of its tasks, including the necessary legislation and the abolition of the decisions of the Revolutionary Command Council that are unfair to the rights of the people of many provinces," appreciating the efforts of the government that voted on a draft law to cancel the decisions of the Revolutionary Command Council.

He added, "The parliamentary committee is in the process of receiving the draft law from the government and approving it to ensure the restoration of farmers' rights, and there will also be a mechanism in cooperation with the government committee to reach the dues of citizens in all governorates because there are southern governorates that have not received compensation in addition to the governorates of Kirkuk, Diyala and Nineveh."

Source: National Iraqi News Agency