Putin: Ukraine Has Lost 715000 Soldiers Since The Start Of The Counterattack Without Achieving Any Results


Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Ukraine lost 715000 soldiers during its counterattack without achieving any results and that Western weapons will not change the course of the Russian military operation.

Putin said during the plenary session of the Eighth East Economic Forum held in the city of Vladivostok in the Russian Far East: “Ukraine is launching a so-called counterattack. There are no results, of course, and we will not say now that it has failed, except that there are no results.”

He added, according to "Russia Today": "There have been huge losses since the beginning of the counterattack, with human losses amounting to 715000 soldiers. Moreover, they say that they want to achieve results at any cost."

Putin pointed out that sometimes this creates the impression that they do not care about their people at all, and that they are abandoning them in this counterattack, as if they are not their people at all! Commanders on the battlefield tell me. It's amazing!

Putin said that the losses were large, as the Ukrainian Armed Forces actually lost 543 tanks and about 18,000 armored vehicles of various categories.

He added: "Ukraine previously announced its rejection of dialogue, so if it wants dialogue now, let it announce it... How can we stop fire at a time when the enemy is launching a counterattack? The law that prevents negotiation must be changed first, and the desire to negotiate must be declared second."

He continued: “The White House administration previously announced that the use of cluster bombs is a war crime. Now they are providing these bombs to Ukraine.”

He pointed out that the United States does everything for its own interests without any other considerations. They provide cluster bombs and depleted uranium munitions and ignore all principles. All of these munitions and weapons have not changed and the provision of F-16 fighters will not change any results of the military operation.

He stated, after a number of Ukrainian saboteurs were captured, they confessed to being trained by the British from the special services to sabotage the electrical supply lines of the nuclear station.

He said: “During the past 6-7 months, 270,000 volunteers have joined the Russian army, with an average of 1,000-1,500 people coming to write contracts with the Russian armed forces. The men of our armed forces know that they are defending their families and people.”/End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency