Qatar Attaches Great Importance to Technical Cooperation with UN, Human Rights Mechanisms


The State of Qatar has affirmed the great importance it attaches to technical cooperation and capacity building, within the framework of its cooperation with the United Nations and its human rights mechanisms, most importantly the Human Rights Council and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

This came in the statement of the State of Qatar delivered by Fatima Abdulaziz Al Maarefi, Third Secretary in the Office of the Minister of State for International Cooperation, during the general debate on providing technical assistance and capacity building in the 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council.

Al Maarefi pointed that the State of Qatar continued its strategic partnership with the United Nations by providing various types of support, and that its contributions to international organizations over the past decade amounted to $900 million.

She pointed out that the recent opening of the United Nations House in Doha, which includes a number of offices and agencies of the international organization, is a symbol and culmination of this effective partnership, adding that it would contribute to further strengthening international multilateral cooperation through the implementation of programs concerned with technical cooperation and capacity-building in many fields.

Al Maarefi explained that given that most of the challenges facing many countries exceed their individual capabilities, providing technical assistance based on a real response to the needs of those countries, in consultation with them, is indispensable to enable them to fulfill their obligations in the field of human rights.

She also noted that realizing the right to development and achieving the required progress in implementing the sustainable development goals requires benefiting from technical assistance programs and activities that are aimed at helping countries enhance their capabilities and support their efforts in this regard.

Al Maarefi emphasized the importance of giving all human rights, including the right to development, attention and focus, and treating them equally, within the framework of objective dialogue and constructive positive cooperation, which takes into account the principle of universality of human rights and their synergy, interdependence, and promotion of each other.

Source: Qatar News Agency