Qatar Hosts Regional Workshop to Follow-Up on Implementation to Accelerate Implementation of Global Action Plan for Dementia


The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), the World Health Organization (WHO), and Hamad Medical Corporation's WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Ageing and Dementia recently organized a three-day regional workshop to follow up the implementation of the Global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017-2025.

The workshop followed the previous workshop held in May 2022 in Qatar, which focused on addressing dementia-related challenges and accelerating the multisectoral innovative collaboration to configure and implement specific regional and local responses to the globally rising health concern caused by dementia.

Representatives of the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO), as well as representatives from the Ministry of Public Health, civil society, people living with dementia, their families, and caregivers, participated in the workshop to share knowledge and best practices to strengthen public health response to dementia in areas related to dementia policy, risk reduction, awareness, diagnosis, treatment, care and support for both dementia patients and caregivers. The workshop also tackled dementia information systems, research, and solutions.

More than 55 million people currently live with dementia worldwide, and the number is expected to rise to nearly 78 million by 2030. Dementia has a significant impact on individuals, families, and communities increasing the burden on health and social care systems.

This year's focus will be on expanding the capacity of the Eastern Mediterranean Region countries to develop comprehensive national dementia plans and implement the existing plans for effective dementia care strategies tailored to meet the unique needs of the region.

Assistant Minister of Public Health for Health Affairs Dr. Saleh Ali Al Marri noted that the EMRO chose the State of Qatar to hold the regional workshop on implementing the global action plan on the public health response to dementia and to work on developing strategies and innovative solutions to common health care challenges.

He added that HE Minister of Public Health Dr. Hanan Mohammed Al Kuwari stresses the importance of disease prevention by improving health literacy, early screening programs and promoting healthy lifestyle practices, and fully encourages all activities that support this.

For her part WHO Representative in Qatar Dr. Rayana Buhaqa underlined WHO's commitment to supporting countries in the Region to achieve the goals of the Global Action Plan on the Public Health Response to Dementia 2017-2025 and to develop regional, country-specific, multisectoral responses to manage the health and social aspects of dementia.

In turn, Head of the WHO Collaborating Center for Healthy Ageing and DementiaCare, and Vice President of Long-Term, Rehabilitation and Geriatric Care at Hamad Medical Corporation Dr. Hanadi Al Hamad reiterated Qatar's commitment to strengthening partnerships and cooperation between countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.

She stressed the importance of improving the quality of life for people living with dementia. "Our joint efforts are aimed at helping ensure that dementia care is given strategic attention and priority in the case of Qatar, as set out in the Qatar National Health Strategy 2018-2022. While we focus on raising public awareness, improving diagnostics, and enhancing support for dementia patients and caregivers alike, we are also addressing the growing need for targeted research and innovation in this area.

In addition, together we can work to better protect the rights of people living with dementia," Dr. Hanadi Al Hamad added The latest WHO report to Member States at the World Health Assembly in 2023 noted that urgent efforts are needed in all areas and in all countries to reach the targets of the Global Dementia Action Plan by 2025, to ensure that efforts are made to support people living with dementia. (QNA)

Source: Qatar News Agency