Research Shows Clear Benefits of Cooling on Physical Health of Older Populations


An experiment for a study at the University of Ottawa in Canada, based on simulation, confirmed the importance of the elderly staying in air-conditioned and cooled places during heat waves, and reducing their exposure to high temperatures, indicating the positive effect of cooling on cardiovascular functions.

During the experiment, in which 40 people between the ages of 64 and 79 years participated, they were exposed for 9 hours to temperatures of 37 degrees Celsius, simulating a hot weather wave, and some of them enjoyed during the artificial heat wave a two-hour rest in an air-conditioned room, and the participants underwent measurements of heart function for comparison.

The experiment showed a positive effect of cooling on cardiovascular functions, as well as brief psychological effects, according to Medical Xpress.

The results of this experiment come at a time when the heat of the weather is felt all over the world, and is reflected in the increase in forest fires in the northern hemisphere.

"With rapidly rising global temperatures threatening the health and well-being of vulnerable population groups worldwide, it is imperative that we accelerate our efforts to develop effective heat protection solutions and advice that will provide equitable protection to heat-vulnerable individuals," the findings revealed.

Source: Qatar News Agency