Return International Film Festival opens its 8th session in the West Bank


Tulkarm - Ma'an - The International Return Film Festival opened its eighth session on Wednesday in an exceptional manner under the slogan "Waiting for the Return... Return"; in cooperation with the Tulkarm Municipality in the West Bank. The festival was inaugurated last Thursday, August 1, in Australia, Egypt, Morocco, and among the displacement tents in Mawasi Khan Yunis. This session was called the "South Africa Session" in appreciation of the support provided by the State of South Africa to the Palestinian cause. The festival was opened in the Jerusalem Hall in Tulkarm Municipality, in the presence of a large crowd of directors, actors, intellectuals, writers, heads and representatives of official and civil institutions, and university students, especially Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie and Al-Quds Open University, and in the presence of the member of the administrative body of the festival in the eighth session, Dr. Rula Ghanem. The festival was opened by Dr. Osama Abdullah, a member of the f estival's administrative body in the eighth session, welcoming the attendees. The opening then began with the Palestinian national anthem and the recitation of Surat Al-Fatihah for the souls of the martyrs of Palestine. Then, the festival coordinator in the West Bank and member of the festival's administrative body, Dr. Alaa Ayyash, gave a speech in which he welcomed the attendees, explaining the importance of cinema and its role in expressing Palestinian national issues, including the issue of the return of refugees, on which the idea of ??the festival is based. He stressed that this session of the festival came in exceptional and painful circumstances and at a time when our people in the Gaza Strip are suffering from a war of genocide carried out by the Israeli occupation, and that this session confirms the challenge of continuing this festival no matter the circumstances. Then, Dr. Ayyash thanked all attendees and the Tulkarm Municipality for its cooperation and support for the opening of this session. Fo r his part, Tulkarm Mayor Dr. Riyad Awad welcomed the attendees, expressing his happiness for holding this festival in light of these difficult circumstances experienced by our Palestinian people. He stressed Tulkarm Municipality's support for everything cultural and for affirming Palestinian national rights. He reviewed the Palestinian national struggle, and that this struggle has become a title for every free person around the world. Dr. Awad pointed out the necessity of continuing this festival to achieve its lofty message in affirming the rights of Palestinian refugees. The opening segments included screening three films: The Challenge by directors Saud Muhanna, the festival's president and founder, and director Youssef Khattab, the festival's director, which deals with the festival administration's suffering in preparing and receiving films in light of the difficult circumstances experienced by the Gaza Strip among the displacement tents. Then, the film School Day by director Ahmed Al-Danf was screened, followed by the opening film 'The Sultana' by director Haitham Abdullah, starring Jordanian artist Juliette Awad. At the end of the opening, awards were distributed to the directors of the winning films, inside the Palestinian territories, and the Mayor of Tulkarm, Dr. Riyad Awad, was honored. Certificates were distributed to the directors of the winning films in the West Bank only, as follows: 1- The Key of Return Award for the best film that talks about the right of return in the name of the freedom fighter Nelson Mandela went to the film "Blood Ties" by director Bisan Zuhair Khalil. 2- The Key of Return Award for the best film that talks about the issue of prisoners in the name of the martyr prisoner Walid Daqqa went to the film "Blood Kohl" by director Moaz Mahmoud Asmar. 3- The Key of Return Award for the best documentary film went to the film "Rescue Battle" by director Farah Muhammad Nasser. 4- The Key of Return Award for the best directing went to the film "Red City" by director Marcel Salam Ramh i. 5- The Key of Return Award for the best film about women went to the film "Chain" by directors Razan Khader and Rana Salahat. 6- The Key to Return Award for Creativity for Best Actress went to actress Malak Abu Gharbieh, who played the role of a prisoner in the cell in the film 'Qaid' by directors Razan Khader and Rana Salahat. 7- The Key to Return Award for Creativity for Best Child Actor went to child Emma Al-Lahham in the film 'Fathat Al-Warda' by director Ali Awad. 8- The Key to Return Award, in the name of the jury, went to the film 'Fathat Al-Warda' by director Ali Awad. 9- The Key to Return Award for Best Cinematography went to the film 'Farasen' by director Reem Khalil. Source: Maan News Agency