Russia warns of Kyiv’s chemical provocations with Western support


Russia condemned the Ukrainian regime's use and planning to use chemical weapons in areas of special military operations. It explained that the Russian Federation periodically monitors and documents cases of Ukrainian armed formations using or planning to use prohibited chemical substances, including riot control agents and other chemicals not included in the lists of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement that Russia has regularly provided detailed information to international organizations, including the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly since February 2022, about Ukraine's widespread use of chemicals in violation of its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention. She also accused Kyiv and its Western backers of trying to falsely accuse Russian forces of similar actions. Zakharova added that Ukrainian forces continued to use toxic chemicals such as chlorine, ammonia and sulfuric acid against Russian military units, civilians and local government officials, with political support from Washington, Berlin, London and Paris. She noted that Russian experts have documented Ukrainian violations of international conventions on chemical weapons and psychotropic substances. Zakharova also warned that the collective West has created an environment of impunity, encouraging the Ukrainian regime to commit further crimes using chemicals. She stressed that there is reliable information indicating that Ukraine, with Western support, is planning a series of provocations against Russia in the areas of special military operations. She noted that NATO had delivered more than 70 advanced devices to detect toxic chemicals to Ukraine between July and September, and that Ukrainian security forces had received training in methods of forging evidence, which had previously been used in Syria, the Skripal case and the Alexei Navalny poisoning incident. The Russian spokeswoman co ncluded by warning the West against "playing with fire", and stressed that Russia will continue to inform the international community about Kiev's violations of the Chemical Weapons Convention and planned provocative actions against chemical facilities in Donbas. She noted that those behind these crimes will face deserved punishment. Source: Maan News Agency