Saudi Arabia Confirms: Iraq’s Stability And Prosperity Are Among OUR Priorities


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia confirmed, today, Sunday, that the stability and prosperity of Iraq is one of its priorities.

A statement by the Ministry of Planning stated that Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Planning, Muhammad Ali Tamim, received, today, Sunday, Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Qannas, Chairman of the Iraqi-Saudi Friendship Committee in the Shura Council of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and his accompanying delegation, which included a number of members of the committee.

During the meeting, which was attended by the Kingdom’s ambassador, Abdulaziz Al-Shammari, the minister expressed his appreciation for Saudi Arabia’s positions in support of Iraq in various fields, indicating that the Iraqi government appreciates this support, and is ready to move forward in strengthening and consolidating relations between the two countries, especially in the investment, commercial and agricultural fields, and benefiting from the Saudi experience to support development in Iraq.

The Minister reviewed the programs and policies developed by the government, within its governmental program, the five-year development plans, sustainable development plans, and the Ministry of Planning’s readiness to conduct the population census next year 2024, praising the role that the Iraqi-Saudi Coordination Council plays in achieving further progress in relations between the two countries".

For his part, the head of the Iraqi-Saudi Friendship Committee, Abdulaziz Al-Qannas, expressed the Kingdom’s readiness to provide all possible types of support to Iraq, at various levels, indicating that King Salman bin Abdulaziz and the Crown Prince pay great attention to Iraq because of the great role and importance it represents for the Kingdom, and that the stability and prosperity of Iraq is one of Saudi Arabia’s priorities, stressing that the Joint Friendship Committee in the Shura Council is working to establish clear paths to strengthen the relationship between the two countries.”

The meeting, which was attended by members of the Foreign Relations Committee in the Iraqi House of Representatives, Sheikh Shaalan Al-Karim and Hussein Arab, witnessed the discussion of a number of issues related to Iraqi-Saudi relations, including the electrical connection, and Iraq’s share of pilgrims according to the population, as well as a discussion of the investment reality and providing appropriate conditions for investors.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency