Start-Up Nation Central’s ClimateTech Landscape: mapping Israeli companies offering solutions to the global climate crisis

Press Releases

TEL AVIV, Israel, March 3, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Start-Up Nation Central, a non-profit that promotes the Israeli innovation ecosystem around the world, published on Tuesday a first-of-its-kind landscape map detailing some of the leading Israeli companies active in the ClimateTech space.

Start-Up Nation Central’s ClimateTech Landscape

The interactive map highlights 180 startups and growth companies providing solutions across seven verticals: Agriculture and Food, Construction, Energy, Industry, Mobility, Nature and Carbon Tech, and Water.

Israel is home to roughly 700 companies whose products or services have the potential to aid in the battle against climate change. The ClimateTech map published this week focuses on two groups of innovative companies: those that have displayed the most traction in the last 24 months in terms of investments, M&As, IPOs, grants, or collaborations with design partners; and those whose solutions make them true pioneers in the ClimateTech innovation field.

“At Start-Up Nation Central, we’ve prioritized climate solutions as one of the central areas of focus for the years to come, recognizing their importance and potential to be a driving force in the local and global economy,” said Start-Up Nation Central ClimateTech Sector Lead Yael Weisz-Zilberman. “The climate crisis is becoming a prevalent topic of discussion around board rooms all over the world and impacts every company across practically every industry. We hope that this map serves as an asset for those seeking real-time data on the important work that’s already being done here in Israel.”

The map was published at the launch of the Climate Solutions Prize, a joint initiative by Start-Up Nation Central and partners from the corporate and philanthropic world to incentivize Israeli innovation geared to battling the global climate crisis.

Start-Up Nation Central  is the address for corporations, governments, and investors to connect with the Israeli tech ecosystem. We catalyze growth opportunities by bringing Israeli tech innovation to global business and societal challenges. Established in 2013 and headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel, Start-Up Nation Central is a not-for-profit organization funded by philanthropy.

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