Study: Lemon, Coconut Protect Against Oral, Dental Diseases


- A Japanese study has revealed that chemical compounds derived from lemon and coconut may be the ideal solution for preventing oral and dental diseases. Researchers at Osaka Metropolitan University explained that these compounds may provide an effective, non-irritating solution for preventing gingivitis, especially among vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly. Gingivitis is a common disease that affects the gums and the supporting structures of the teeth, causing irritation, redness, swelling and bleeding in the parts of the gums surrounding the base of the teeth, and is primarily caused by bacteria known as (P. gingivalis). Gingivitis not only affects oral health, but is also linked to other health problems, including cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. To combat gingivitis, the research team focused on the antibacterial properties of a group of compounds derived from lemon and coconut, most notably a compound called (Pru-C12). The results showed that this compound had the highest antibac terial effect among all the tested compounds, and it was non-irritating, tasteless, and hypoallergenic, making it suitable for use in children and the elderly with oral diseases. The study found that this compound showed a strong inhibitory effect on the growth of periodontal bacteria and the formation of biofilms, which are crucial in the development of gum disease. The results suggest that the compound could be developed into an antimicrobial, low-irritant oral care product suitable for all ages, providing a safer alternative to current commercial antiseptics. The team noted that if the safety of the compound is confirmed in future human clinical studies, it could provide a cheap and effective solution for the prevention of gingivitis, especially in communities that suffer from sensitivity to conventional products, opening the door to the development of new and effective oral care solutions derived from natural products. ( Source: Qatar News Agency