The Iraqi Ambassador in Ankara: President Erdogan’s visit to Baghdad will contribute to resolving the outstanding issues between the two countries

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Iraq's Ambassador to Ankara, Majid Al-Lajmawi, confirmed: "The visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Baghdad will contribute to resolving the outstanding issues between the two neighboring countries." Al-Lajmawi said in a press statement: 'The visit will achieve a comprehensive qualitative leap in the cooperation relations between Iraq and Turkey, and will witness the signing of a strategic framework agreement that has been worked on in recent months, dealing with the security, economic, and development fields, and making progress in the water and energy files, as well as the process of Resuming the export of Iraqi oil via Turkey.' The ambassador pointed out: 'The visit of the Turkish President comes within the framework of the two countries' efforts to strengthen bilateral relations between them, especially in light of the presence of many projects and memorandums of understanding that may be concluded between the two countries, most notably the development path and Turkey's role in this vital strategic project. Source: National Iraqi News Agency